Algorithm for designing vessels for underwater technical operations using database method

  • Marina P. Lebedeva Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, St. Peterspurg, Russia
  • Oyrad М. Abdullayev Design-Research and Scientific-Investigation Institute of Caspian Sea Transport. AZ1003. Baku. Azerbaijan


In the research work the algorithm of design of subsea construction vessel with use of the database of relatives to destination of vessels is created. As a part of an algorithm of design the choice of configuration of the designed vessel by zoning and characteristic of rooms, the choice of a form of contours by formation of an optimum surface of the designed vessel and as a result of obtaining preliminary effective power of the main engine and cross metacentric height with approximation of result is provided. In addition, preliminary estimate of weight loading of the designed vessel is made and the model of formation of weight loading is removed. Considering the researches connected with the choice of configuration of the vessel, forms of contours of the case and assessment of weight loading it was created the flowchart of formation of the main dimension of the designed vessel. As the main element of the developed flowchart, process of optimization of calculations of the main dimension of the vessel is. Having chosen criteria of optimization and the varied elements, the mathematical model of optimization of calculation of the main dimension was created.

Keywords: Subsea operation, supply vessel, compartment zoning, shell, cross metacenter, main engine power, weight control, database, algorithm, criteria of optimization


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Author Biographies

Marina P. Lebedeva , Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, St. Peterspurg, Russia

c.т.s. senior researcher, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, 198035, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, Dvinskaya st., 5/7, e-mail:

Oyrad М. Abdullayev , Design-Research and Scientific-Investigation Institute of Caspian Sea Transport. AZ1003. Baku. Azerbaijan

Director, Caspian Sea Project, AZ1003, Azerbaijan, Baku, Ziya Yusifzade Str. 48, e-mail:

How to Cite
Lebedeva, M. P., & AbdullayevO. М. (2023). Algorithm for designing vessels for underwater technical operations using database method. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (76), 32-49.
Shipbuilding, ship repair, and ecological safety of the ship