The resistance of the stainless steel 08H14NDL, the bronze BrA8Mts11Zh3N2L and the brass LTs40Mts3Zh to cavitation erosion was investigated in fresh water and artificial sea water. The tests were carried out on an ultrasonic vibratory apparatus. The horn of the vibratory device resonated at approximately 22 kHz, a peak-to-peak amplitude being changed from 24 to 54 μm. The distance between the horn butt-end and the specimen surface equaled 0.5 mm. It was shown, that the increase in the amplitude of vibration leads to the decrease in the difference between the cavitation wear in fresh water and the sea water. It was demonstrated that under the cavitation attack of high intensity the wear of the brass in the sea water can be essentially lower than the one obtained in the fresh water. The demonstrated paradox may be attributed to the peculiarities of the cavitation impact on the ultrasonic vibratory apparatus combined with the plasticizing action of the aggressive liquid. The ultrasonic frequency of the shock waves action on the surface increases dislocations mobility, whereas the stripping the surface layers with sea water alleviates the discharge of the dislocations on the surface: the chemomechanical effect takes place.
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