On the example of the fingers of the scoop chain, a technique is proposed for the integral assessment of the quality of restoration of parts using elastic waves - ultrasound. The purpose of the work is to ensure the efficiency of measurements when assessing the quality of remanufactured parts in the conditions of a repair base. For this, data on the attenuation of elastic waves when they pass through the restored part were used. Unlike precision measurements of the velocity of elastic waves, the measurement of ultrasound attenuation does not require laboratory equipment, a conventional industrial flaw detector is sufficient. To assess the quality of the product, the transducer was alternately installed at points determined along the length of the finger, the probe beam was directed along the diameter and the first pulse of elastic vibrations reflected from the opposite side of the finger was recorded and the second, which passed two additional diameters of the finger. Found a quantitative indicator that allows you to assess the quality of restoration of the part. The proposed method to a certain extent solves the problem of integral assessment of the state of the restored finger of the scoop chain. To prevent premature failure of parts restored by welding with flux-cored wire, it is enough to introduce into practice an easy procedure for controlling sound attenuation.
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