
This article contains the results of studies of the rotation unevenness parameters of the ship power plants elements drive. Theoretical prerequisites of such analysis are described and an example of calculation of parameters of torsional-oscillating system of high-pressure fuel pump drive and speed controller is given in the article. Calculations have shown that at the nominal crankshaft speed of the internal combustion engine, the possibility of resonant oscillations of the camshaft of the fuel pump is not excluded. Design features, faults, violation of adjustments or operating rules can contribute to the operation of elements of power plants at resonant frequencies and cause operational failures. Analysis of rotation unevenness of elements drive and additional equipment of ship's power plants is an appropriate technical measure that allows to increase the reliability of ship's power plants.

Keywords: ship power plant, torsional oscillations, resonance, fuel pump, speed controller.


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Author Biographies

Victor I. Kochergin , Siberian Transport University, Novosibirsk, Russia

PhD Of Technical Sciences, head of Technology of Transport Mechanical Engineering and Operation of Cars Department, Siberian Transport University, Russia, 191, D. Kovalchuk st, Novosibirsk, 630049, e-mail:

Sergey P. Glushkov , Siberian Transport University, Novosibirsk, Russia

Dr. Sci. Tech., Professor of Technology of Transport Mechanical Engineering and Operation of Cars Department, Siberian Transport University, Russia, 191, D. Kovalchuk st, Novosibirsk, 630049, e-mail:

Aleksandr V. Kurmygin , Siberian Transport University, Novosibirsk, Russia

Graduate Student of Technology of Transport Mechanical Engineering and Operation of Cars Department, Siberian Transport University, Russia, 191, D. Kovalchuk st, Novosibirsk, 630049, e-mail:

How to Cite
Kochergin, V. I., Glushkov, S. P., & Kurmygin, A. V. (2020). RESEARCH OF NON-UNIFORM ROTATION OF SHIP POWER PLANT ELEMENTS DRIVE. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (65), 71-79.
Ship power equipment