The article deals with the measurement and reduction of local vibration from outboard motors on small vessels. The level of local vibration on the tiller of an outboard motor of a small vessel according to GOST 28556-2016 "Outboard Motors. General safety requirements" should be specified in the motor operating instructions, but, according to the authors ' analysis, such information is not specified by manufacturers. To measure the vibration, modern verified equipment was used, including the "Ecofizika-110A" vibrometer. To reduce the vibration of outboard motors, the authors developed a multi-layer transom plate and carried out measurements on a motor boat with outboard motors "SEA PRO 2.5" and "SEA PRO 5.0". As a result of the study, it was found that the developed multi-layer transom overlay provides a maximum reduction of local vibration by 77% when measuring vibration acceleration, m/S2. It is also established that in Russia there are actually no regulatory requirements for the level of vibration on the tiller of outboard motors, while the system provided for in GOST 28556-2016 "Outboard motors. General safety requirements" standard of manufacturing plants, most often not specified in the actual operating instructions. This requires the development and introduction of standards for local vibration on the tiller of outboard motors or the expansion of existing regulations in the field of small vessels.
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