Trends, factors and indicators of development of the transit transport infrastructure of the Russian Federation

  • Anna V. Troilina


In modern market conditions, it is essential to use the transit potential of Russia effectively, as the country occupies a favorable transport and geographical position on the way of goods being moved from Europe to Asia (and vice versa). To do this, it is necessary to determine how ready and adequate the state's transport infrastructure is to provide high-quality world-class services that secure competitive advantages over other cargo delivery routes. In this paper the key trends and factors of functioning of all types of transport and their infrastructures are investigated, a comparative analysis is carried out to justify the economic proposals for improving the transit of goods (cargo) through the territory of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: transit transport infrastructure, transport infrastructure, problems of transport functioning


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How to Cite
Troilina, A. V. (2021). Trends, factors and indicators of development of the transit transport infrastructure of the Russian Federation. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (66), 133-144.
Economics, logistics and transport management