Diagrams of static stability of a ship in rough conditions
Static stability diagram, solid-state model of a ship when constructing a static diagram of a ship in accordance with the requirements Of the rules of classification societies, it is necessary to take into account special navigation conditions: icing, the presence of liquid cargo in tanks, etc. In this case, the presence of the ship's side pitching caused by the action of waves is taken into account only at the time of determining the restoring moments. This article analyzes the influence on the stability diagram of the shape of the water surface (wave profile) on which the inclination occurs. Building a complex form of volume displacement, caused not only by the form of a surface ship, but a change in waterline, made with the use of solid modeling theoretical hull and volume of the water pool in the environment of Autodesk AutoCAD and Visual Lisp. For test calculations, it is found that the possible deviation of the static stability arm and the area under the positive part of the diagram can reach twelve percent.
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