Influence of the location of unloading piles in backfill on the stress-strain state of the bolverk
This article is devoted to the reconstruction and strengthening of structures of the bolverk type. The paper describes the calculation of the active ground pressure on the berth wall of the bolverk type when the latter is reinforced by unloading piles in the backfill of the wall. The aim of the work is to assess the change in the degree of impact of active ground pressure when changing the distance from the unloading piles to the mooring wall. This author calculated, which are identified and shown with the help of nomograms and graphs based on active earth pressure from the main characteristics of the soil, spacing of discharge piles, the angle of internal friction, the distance from the unloading of the piles to the wall; the options considered overlapping discharge zones without overlap; the resulting coefficients reduce the load under various conditions of construction. The proposed calculation allows us to estimate the unloading effect of the use of piles in the backfill of existing berth walls of the bolverk type.
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