The Power Augmented Ram (PAR) effects on the aerodynamic characteristics of Lightweight Wing in Ground (LWIG) effect vehicle layout on the take-off motion mode is investigated. The technology of numerical simulation of ground effect aerodynamics (CFD-simulation) is exploited as a research instrument. In present study CFD-simulation is based on solving of Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations for viscous turbulence incompressible flow, with k –k SST turbulence model. The full-scale aerodynamic layout of LWIG-vehicle with take-off weight 0,5-1 tones used for CFD-simulation includes wing and PAR-system consisting of a propeller, an annular nozzle, straightening vanes and a pylon for attaching to the fuselage. The mesh model created in ANSYS Fluent Meshing contains 33.7 million finite elements. The annular nozzle limits the region containing the rotor blades in which the condition for the rotation of the air is specified. In CFD-simulations for different values of LWIG vehicle motion speed the ground clearance is applied as a constant with 0,05 wing chord lengths. Using the results of CFD-simulation the thrust coefficient versus advance ratio, the drag coefficient and the lift-to-drag ratio of LWIG layout versus velocity dependency graphs are plotted. The dependency of the thrust coefficient versus advance ratio of propeller in the layout composition are in good agreement with the theoretical data. The dependencies of the drag coefficient and the lift-to-drag ratio versus velocity are non-linear, whereas the lift-to-drag ratio belongs to the range from 8 to 16 units. The diagrams of the aerodynamic flow speed distribution in a vertical section along the propeller axis at different values of motion velocity are presented. The diagrams show that with the increasing of LWIG velocity motion the PAR generated flow will be directed from bottom to upper surface of wing as a result of the aerodynamic interference of counterflux and PAR generated flow. It seems possible to neutralize this effect leading to lift-to-drag ratio and PAR efficiency decreasing by using the mechanism, which can change the installation angle of PAR in motion process.
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