Multifunctional cargo and freight ferry line as a new business model, an innovative transport service and unique offer in the most sought-after segments of commercial realty in Moscow

  • Ekaterina V. Zaretskaya Academy of water transport, Russian University of Transport
  • Leonid V. Sysoev Academy of water transport, Russian University of Transport


The reduction of the internal cargo water transport and almost full termination of water cargo transport in the city of Moscow in favour of passenger, mostly recreational connections press to search new transport und technological solutions, which are compliant to modern demands of freight owners and passengers. The article analyzes the needs of the transport market if the Moscow region and propose to consider the concept of a multifunctional freight and passenger ferry, which propose a new technological solution for integration of the river in the freight and passenger logistic of the city. Along with the non-standard packing of the ferry the most important highlight of his work is a new model of profit making. The ferry line goes through the city center und this turns his two decks and the hold in profitable commercial spaces, the profit from which can compensate the most part of operation costs of the shipping company.

Keywords: cargo and passenger transport in Moscow basin, an innovative business model for the cargo transport market, technical and operating highlights of the new ferry concept for multifunctional cargo and passenger line in the city of Moscow


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Author Biographies

Ekaterina V. Zaretskaya , Academy of water transport, Russian University of Transport

Ph.D. in Economic Science, Associate Professor of the Department of operation of water transport,  Academy of water transport, Russian University of Transport (MIIT) 117105, Moscow, Novodanilovskaya embankment 2, bld.1, e-mail:

Leonid V. Sysoev , Academy of water transport, Russian University of Transport

Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of shipbuilding and ship repair, Academy of water transport, Russian University of Transport (MIIT) 117105, Moscow, Novodanilovskaya embankment 2, bld.1,

How to Cite
Zaretskaya, E. V., & Sysoev , L. V. (2021). Multifunctional cargo and freight ferry line as a new business model, an innovative transport service and unique offer in the most sought-after segments of commercial realty in Moscow. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (67), 65-78.
Economics, logistics and transport management