Digital transformation of interdepartmental interaction as a tool for improving state project management
The article considers project management in state and municipal management, and notes the limitations of its application at the regional and municipal levels. Most municipalities have formed municipal project offices, but the work is carried out exclusively within the framework of the implementation of national projects and is more formal than practical. There is a complexity of perception of new approaches in management. Despite the active widespread introduction of digitalization in municipalities in recent years, there has been a tendency to increase the information closeness of government bodies and departmental structures from each other. The existing system of interdepartmental electronic interaction is currently focused mainly on obtaining the necessary information by the authorities in order to provide individuals and legal entities with state and municipal services. In the field of state and municipal project management, there is a certain information vacuum that prevents various project management participants from effectively performing their functions in the project implementation process. As a solution to this problem, it is proposed to lay the basis for improving the project management system a single digital platform for interdepartmental electronic interaction, combining information about both citizens on the basis of the portal of state and municipal services, and about economic entities (legal entities and individual entrepreneurs), as well as real estate objects accumulated on the basis of the portal of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, which will allow state authorities and local governments to receive complete information, necessary for the correct management decision - making, including in the field of project management.
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