Brake power prediction at the feasibility study of inland ships design
The article is devoted to the problem brake power prediction at the feasibility study of inland ships design. The analysis of the existing methods of calculating the brake power is presented: based on the theory of ship traction calculations, based on the regressions of L. I. Fomkinsky, based on the use of the admiralty coefficient. The problems that arise when using the considered methods at the feasibility study of ship design. The results of calculations of the brake power and an assessment of the results obtained for a sample of ships are given, allowing conclusions to be drawn about the possible use of existing methods. A method is proposed for calculating the brake power of a ship using the relationship between the dimensionless quantities, which allow taking into account both experimental data and the physics of phenomena. It is shown that the proposed method, when used at the feasibility study of inland ships design, has a higher accuracy in comparison with the considered methods for calculating the brake power.
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