Decompositional approach to the choice of appointments for vessels in the calendar planning of river fleet operations
The article is devoted to the problem of choosing the purpose of river cargo vessels in the operational planning and regulation of the fleet. The article substantiates the inapplicability of the previous approaches to calendar planning due to the changed economic relations and organizational capabilities of shipping companies. A two-stage scheme for solving the assignment problem is proposed. The first stage is reduced to the formation of a dynamic basic scheme of the fleet, with the help of which impossible or obviously inefficient options for appointments in the current planning period (decade, month, etc.) are cut off. Using the basic scheme allows you to divide the complex combinatorial task of determining assignments into two simpler ones. At the second stage, the selection of options from the set specified in the basic scheme is carried out on the basis of simulation modeling. The use of the simulation model allows us to take into account all the factors that affect the operation of the fleet, in particular the changing navigation conditions, individual differences between vessels, as well as the dynamic nature of the transport process.
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