Leasing as an effective tool of increasing investment activity in shipbuilding
The article focuses on the long-term ship leasing market, which is in fact an alternative financing market for the industry. The aim of the study was to provide an overview of the state of the Russian leasing market in the field of shipbuilding in the current economic conditions and to show the positive aspects of using this financial instrument as a means of increasing the activity of participants in the investment process in the shipbuilding industry, aimed at accelerating the renewal of the civilian fleet and recovering the industry after the crisis. The problematic issues arising in the practice of leasing activities in the industry are considered. The use of leasing in Russian shipbuilding is supported by the state with the help of an existing program that provides preferential terms for leasing transactions for shipbuilding. The article examines the conditions, results and prospects for the implementation of the state program of civil shipbuilding leasing.
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