Selecting cost management models in post-pandemic settings
The article discusses the features of cost management in post-pandemic conditions. The introduction justifies the relevance of the study of the cost management process and the problem of choosing appropriate management models in the modern economy, including in post-pandemic conditions. The methods used in the post-pandemic cost management study are indicated. The result of their practical implementation is determined. As the results of the study, the essence of the costs is determined, their types are described. In addition, factors are established that determine the variability of costs. The cost management process is characterized. Planning is considered as one of the stages of cost management, as well as key aspects of budgeting as a form of planning. Budget objectives and objectives are defined. Measures are being established to achieve the goal of an integrated cost reduction system. The principles and methods of cost management are described. Key ways to achieve competitive advantage in post-pandemic settings are identified. There are negative and positive consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, which determine how to manage costs in the post-pandemic period. The pandemic-driven changes in the accounting of expenditures, which contribute to the spread of the motivation approach and new business models and corporate governance models, are being discussed. The conclusion concludes that it is possible to choose cost management models in post-pandemic settings.
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