Comparative analysis of the requirements of the rules of the russian river register and the russian maritime register of shipping to the design and strength of ships on underwater wings
The comparative analysis of the regulatory framework of the rules of the Russian river register (PRR) and the Russian maritime register of shipping (PMR) on the design and strength of ships on underwater wings (SEC) showed a significant difference between the methodologies of these rules. In this regard, a comparative analysis of the rules is possible only by performing numerical calculations for specific vessels. This paper presents the results of calculations for three SEC models. It is shown that with some extrapolation of the dependences given in the PRR, the values of the calculated values of bending moments for SEC, intended for operation on the excitement of h3%> 2.0 m, can be obtained from the PMR. For more weak wave modes Settlements. The existing approach to the pro-willer of the strength of the SEC wing devices should be recognized obsolete. It is necessary to either upgrade the PRR, taking into account modern advances in the field of hydrodynami, or allow the use of modern software complexes for computers based on numerical methods for solving hydrodynamic problems.
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