Fiberglass as an alternative to metals in ship repair
The article presents the intermediate results of a study carried out to determine the prospects for reducing the metal consumption of ship repair. The area of research is ship repair, in particular, the repair of hulls and superstructures of metal ships, and the object is fiberglass used in the repair, in particular, their strength and durability. The studies were carried out using well-known methods - spontaneous peeling, shearing, limiting states. The results obtained made it possible to establish that the use of fiberglass plastics can reduce the metal consumption of ship repairs by three times. In addition, the article describes a method for calculating the thickness of a fiberglass coating, which is equivalent in strength to a metal backup, and also provides expressions for evaluating the calculated resistance of the coating, which determines its durability. In conclusion, it was concluded that it is necessary to expand the study area of the applicability of fiberglass during the repair of ships, not limiting it only to such obvious objects of repair as the hull, superstructure, pipelines.
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