Jet mixing unit for introducing a light bulk substance into a liquid stream
For the oil spill emergency response, a ship system for supplying an active substance to the contaminated zone has been proposed. Various chemical compounds and substances, microorganisms can be used as active substances. To collect most of the oil spill, it was proposed to use a thermally split graphite sorbent. Its supply to the contaminated zone should be carried out in the form of a pulp. One of the key elements of the system is a mixer for introducing the sorbent into the water flow. This article presents the results of three stages of the study of the influence of the geometric parameters of the jet mixer on the average volumetric content of the sorbent in the pulp, the shape of the nozzle and flow of the working fluid. The necessity of mandatory use of a arch destruction device in a bunker with a light sorbent is noted.
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