Features of the infocommunication infrastructure development management mecha-nism
In the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the total digitalization of socio-economic processes in society, research related to the development and justification of effective mechanisms for managing the innovative development of modern infocommunication infrastructure and ensuring a high level of efficiency of the practical application of infocommunication technologies (ICT) is relevant. The most important feature of the evolution of such infrastructure and the ICTs themselves is their significant correlation with the totality of processes carried out in the global and national economies. In fact, ICTs play the role of a catalyst for the above-mentioned global and local processes, predetermine the pace of scientific and technological progress. An analysis of the achievements of a number of economically developed countries over the past few decades indicates that the state of a single national economy and the dynamics of its processes directly depend on the pace of introduction of modern means of communication and telecommunications, computer networks, data centers and other innovations into all spheres.
In connection with the above, a number of global problems and local tasks arise regarding not only the adequate determination of the necessary level of development of the infocommunication infrastructure, due to the formation of new socio-economic realities, and forecasting the likely consequences of intensive use of ICT tools in various fields of activity, but also the formation of mechanisms for managing innovative development. These mechanisms should be effective and efficient in achieving the relevant management objectives.
The article pays attention to a number of aspects and features of the mechanism proposed by the authors for managing the development of the infocommunication infrastructure for the formation of the digital economy and the information society as a whole. This mechanism is based on the practical application of specific methodological tools that allow monitoring the status and potential of the infocommunication infrastructure through a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the introduction of ICT. The mechanism developed by the authors for managing the development of the infocommunication infrastructure will allow public authorities to specify the strategy and tactics of forming the foundations of the digital economy and the information society as a whole.
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