Approbation of the methodology for determining the time of passenger movement on the inner-city and suburban route
Presents the results of testing the methodology for determining the passenger's travel time according to the "door-to-door" scheme on intra-city and suburban routes using hovercrafts. The introduction presents the results of the analysis of a number of research works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of passenger transportation by hovercraft. The analysis showed that studies of passenger travel taking into account such factors as distance and time according to the "door-to-door" scheme on intra-city and suburban routes in riverine regions by buses and hovercraft do not occur, which means that the chosen research topic is relevant. The methods section summarizes the basics of calculations and initial data for testing the methodology for determining the time spent by passengers on a trip using a hovercraft. The results section provides graphical data as a result of testing the methodology. The opinion of the authors of the article on the use of alternative travel options by a passenger on intra-city and suburban routes by road and (or) river transport is put up for discussion. In the final part of the article, it is determined that this method of determining the travel time of a passenger on intra-city, and in comparison, may be of interest both for passengers and transport organizations.
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