Analysis of modern hull structures dry cargo ships-representatives
The results of the analysis of the design of hull structures of modern dry cargo vessels-representatives of inland and mixed ("river-sea") navigation in comparison with classical vessels built in the twentieth century are presented. The characteristic damages of hull structures are considered, recommendations are given on the design of the main hull connections in accordance with the requirements of the Russian River Register (RRR) and the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (MRS). It is noted that, taking into account the existing cargo flows on water transport, the hulls of inland navigation vessels of early construction are being modernized for operation in coastal marine areas. It is shown that, taking into account the aging of the fleet in modern conditions, a significant role is assigned to the construction of "super-full" vessels of internal and mixed ("river-sea") navigation, capable of delivering various cargoes without intermediate transshipment from seaports to river ports of the country.
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