Status and problems of turbocharging four-stroke marine diesel engines
Currently, neither existing calculation methods nor experimental research methods, which are time-consuming and sometimes impossible, can unambiguously answer the question related to the choice of a rational turbocharging system piston engine depending on the average effective pressure. Because it is, precisely such a parameter as the average effective pressure that is not only a complex parameter that characterizes the efficient operation of a piston engine, but also an indicator of the level of forcing of a piston engine. In fact, it is impossible to speak unequivocally about the choice of a particular turbocharging system depending on the average effective pressure for all piston engines. This is primarily due to the type, purpose and operating conditions of the piston engine, i.e. diesel, gasoline, two- or four-stroke, marine, tractor, etc. Therefore, in this work not all piston engines in general are considered, namely marine four-stroke diesels, which most of the time operate on nominal mode. From the point of view of the methodological approach, an overview of turbocharging systems of marine diesel engines is presented and their place is determined depending on the average effective pressure. Shown the tendency of development of various turbocharging systems of marine diesel engines depending on the level of forcing by on the average effective pressure.
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