Analysis of the current state and directions of development of passenger transport until 2035

  • Artem P. Bafanov Ministry of Transport and Highways of Nizhny Novgorod Region, Russia


The material of an analytical study of the current state of inland water transport of the Russian Federation based on data from the Federal State Statistics Service is proposed. The introduction describes the importance of developing relevant directions for the development of the country's transport complex. The article is devoted to the study of actual scientific and practical problems of the development of passenger transportation by inland waterway transport of the Russian Federation. It analyzes both statistical data on the operation of river transport and the goals outlined in the strategy for the development of inland waterway transport of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2035. The directions of scientific thought on the problems of river passenger transportation have also been studied. The results highlight the main problems of the country's transport industry and especially passenger transport on inland waterways. The author's proposals on the directions and projects of the industry development are submitted for discussion.

Keywords: passenger transportation, water transport, strategy, infrastructure


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Author Biography

Artem P. Bafanov , Ministry of Transport and Highways of Nizhny Novgorod Region, Russia

Acting Deputy Minister, Head of the Department Ministry of Transport and Highways of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, 63 Osharskaya str., 603115

How to Cite
Bafanov, A. P. (2022). Analysis of the current state and directions of development of passenger transport until 2035. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (70), 98-109.
Economics, logistics and transport management