Management of stakeholders of innovative projects implemented by transport enterprises


The relevance of the presented research is due to the increase in the practical role of project management in ensuring the efficiency of the functioning of domestic transport enterprises, as well as the strong influence of the interests of stakeholders on the innovative activities of transport companies. It is important to focus attention and work with the requirements of stakeholders, because they will, on the one hand, evaluate the success of an innovative project, and on the other hand, shape this success. The article presents strategies for managing stakeholders of innovative projects implemented by transport enterprises that are tied to the type of stakeholder. The peculiarities of managing stakeholders of innovative projects implemented by transport enterprises are also highlighted. Due to timely consideration of the interests of different stakeholders and the use of appropriate strategies, it is possible to form effective management processes for innovative projects implemented by transport enterprises.

Keywords: project activity; project management; project management; project management; innovative project; stakeholders; interested people


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Author Biography

Natalia N. Polzunova , Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia

Doctor   of   Economics, Head of the Management and Marketing Department, Vladimir State University, 600000, Gorkogo st. 79,  Vladimir, Russia, e-mail:

How to Cite
Polzunova, N. N. (2022). Management of stakeholders of innovative projects implemented by transport enterprises. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (70), 137-146.
Economics, logistics and transport management