CAE studies of river ice cover aerodynamics


The paper provides an overview of autumn-winter movements and ice breaking on river shipping routes. The range of tasks of ensuring the safety of ice navigation is highlighted, which requires the predict of wind loads on hummocky ice fields of small floe fractions. As a complex argument for the characterization of such a field, the coefficient of its windage is proposed. The statistical function of the distribution of the height of the hummocks is revealed.

To speed up the process of three-dimensional description of the geometry of the ice surface with a given law of the distribution of hummocks, the joint use of CAD and CAE systems is proposed. A series of CAE «purges» of model ice fields was carried out. The dependence of aerodynamic loads on the direction of atmospheric flow has been confirmed by the analysis of the results of CAE-modeling of wind impact on small floe ices. The conclusion is made about the limitations of the application of the classical equation of gas dynamics in relation to the studied ice.

Keywords: : ice cover, ice hummockiness, wind movements of ice, ice compression, CAE system, numerical modeling


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Author Biography

Vasily A. Lobanov , Volga State University of Water Transport, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Professor of department of Navigation and safety of navigation, associate professor, Dr. Sci. Tech., department of Navigation and safety of navigation, Volga State University of Water Transport , 603950, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Nesterova 5, Russia

How to Cite
Lobanov, V. A. (2022). CAE studies of river ice cover aerodynamics. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (71), 159-168.
Operation of water transport, navigation and safety of navigation