Analysis of main dimensions and characteristics of fishing vessels
Fishing vessels are one of the most numerous and popular types of vessels of the fishing fleet of the Russian Federation. Fishing vessels provide food security of the country and contribute to employment in fishery areas and processing of marine biological resources, design, construction, operation, repair and modernization of fishery vessels. The existing fishery vessels of Russian Federation are largely morally and physically obsolete. The average age of this type of vessels is 30-35 years, which has a significant impaction on frequency repairs and reduces of their technical and economic performances. In this regard, the question arises of replenishing the fishing fleet with new types of vessels using advanced methods for their design. The development of mathematical models of fishing vessels allows, at the initial stages of their design, to perform the detailed analysis of their economic efficiency under given operating conditions. At first for the models development it is necessary to have the analytical dependencies which are connected of their main dimensions with design characteristics. This article presents the results of the analysis of the main dimensions and main characteristics of fishing vessels that have the class of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS). The data source was the Register Book of RMRS in current version (2022), which contains the information about sea-going self-propelled vessels with a gross tonnage of 100 tons and more. In our study we analyzed more than a thousand fishing vessels with different dimensions and characteristics. As an analysis results were made the decomposition of fishing fleet by age, degree of automation and construction country, ice class and other characteristics. Based on the methods of statistical analysis the analytical dependences for main dimensions and design characteristics of fishing vessels were obtained. The analytical dependencies can be used for the development of mathematical models of fishing vessels at the initial stages of their design.
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