Methodological approach to substantiating the economic sustainability of combined passenger transport operators


The article presents the author's approach to determining the actual scientific and practical task of developing a methodology for justifying the economic stability of a passenger transportation operator operating in a combined system based on interaction with adjacent modes of transport when organizing an effective route. The introduction presents the results of the analysis of the main indicators of passenger transport activity on inland waterways. There is a trend of increasing demand for combined passenger transportation routes in regional and interregional communications. Scientific research on the issue under consideration and existing methods for determining the level of economic sustainability of transport companies are analyzed. Based on the author's analysis, an approach has been developed to substantiate the economic sustainability of combined passenger transport operators in the form of a tree of properties of the evaluation model and key indicators and coefficients, taking into account the peculiarities of the operation of the river transport

Keywords: combined passenger transportation, transportation operator, economic sustainability, indicators


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Author Biography

Artem P. Bafanov , GKU NO Center for the Development of Transport Systems, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Director of the Center for the Development of Transport Systems, Nizhny Novgorod, 63 Osharskaya str., 603115, e-mail:

How to Cite
Bafanov, A. P. (2022). Methodological approach to substantiating the economic sustainability of combined passenger transport operators. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (72), 90-101.
Economics, logistics and transport management