Fuel consumption monitoring of power plants based on the recording of current power values


Among the main methods of increasing the energy efficiency of power plants, the most significant in terms of achieving positive results and the possibility of their implementation are organizational methods. When choosing a methodology for determining the energy efficiency of a ship's power plant, it is necessary to take into account a combination of the following necessary conditions: ensuring control taking into account stochastic changes in the current fuel consumption values ​ ​ and minimizing the cost of purchasing and using control tools. Solving these two problems is an interconnected process. With respect to diesel generator sets, this is achieved by continuously measuring the current values at each of the three phases of the generator and the voltage in a short time interval in a discrete manner, followed by calculating the current power consumption values and approximating them to energy efficiency indicators. Tests of a prototype of an analytical energy efficiency control system implementing the proposed control algorithm on a transport diesel showed a sufficiently high correlation of the obtained results with data on monitoring fuel consumption by a volumetric method, satisfactory reliability of the system, as well as the possibility of saving fuel and energy resources. A further development of the proposed approach to energy efficiency control can be the use for these purposes of the current values ​ ​ of the torque and power of the diesel engine obtained by analyzing the dynamic characteristics of the torsional and oscillatory systems of marine power plants.

Keywords: marine power plant, diesel generator, energy efficiency, technical monitoring, fuel consumption


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Author Biographies

Victor I. Kochergin , Siberian Transport University, Novosibirsk, Russia

Ph. Dr. Sci. Tech., Head of the Department of Technology of Transport Mechanical Engineering and Operation of Cars, Siberian Transport University, Russia, 191, Kovalchuk st, Novosibirsk, 630049, e-mail: vkplus2011@yandex.ru

Evgenii S. Zinchenko , Siberian Transport University, Novosibirsk, Russia

Graduate Student of Department of Technology of Transport Mechanical Engineering and Operation of Cars, Siberian Transport University, Russia, 191, Kovalchuk st, Novosibirsk, 630049, e-mail: askambaskal@mail.ru

How to Cite
Kochergin, V. I., & Zinchenko, E. S. (2022). Fuel consumption monitoring of power plants based on the recording of current power values. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (72), 78-89. https://doi.org/10.37890/jwt.vi72.282
Ship power equipment

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