Substantiation of the hydraulic possibility of establishing guaranteed dimensions of the ship's course on the section R.Kama from the village of Bondyug to the village Kerchevsky
The establishment of guaranteed dimensions of the ship's course requires a systematic approach. An increase in the depth of the watercourse causes a landing of the water level, which can negatively affect the level regime of the water body and the ecological situation of the region. For the section of the Kama River from the village of Bondyug to the village. Kerchevsky conducted research on the possibility of establishing a guaranteed depth of 1.3 m for the expedition and navigation periods. As part of the research, the possibility of establishing guaranteed dimensions on the Upper Kama from the village of Bondyug to the village was revealed. Kerchevsky, taking into account the dredging and straightening works only for the extended expedition period of navigation.
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