In the process of choosing an investment project for a cruise ship, there is a problem of systematic assessment of shipbuilding products’ customer satisfaction. For its solution, the goal to develop basic approaches to assessing customer requirements satisfaction from a systemic perspective was set. The current procedure for assessing satisfaction is not sufficiently underpinned and structured, based on a variety of disparate indicators that are applied haphazardly. Using the system methodology made it possible to develop a criterion space of customer satisfaction indicators regarding cruise fleet. The features of assessing probabilistic representation of consumer expectations in various types of problem situations formulated by the author were revealed. The research novelty consists in a comprehensive approach to investment choice using the criterion of «satisfaction» alongside with the criteria of «efficiency» and «effectiveness», ranked in accordance with the type of problem situation. It allows to further formalize the algorithm of choosing an investment project. The research results have wide opportunities of practical application in the shipbuilding industry.
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