Off-shore purification of oil water during the operation of inland navigation vessels


This article is devoted to the problem of protecting reservoirs from pollution by petroleum products contained in ship's bilge water formed during the operation of inland navigation vessels. Despite the current experience, this problem has not yet found any effective solution. The ship's installations used do not always reliably provide the required degree of purification, and, in addition, many inland navigation vessels do not have the possibility of placing installations for the purification of oil bilge water. It is shown that for these reasons, the most effective solution to the problem under study is the use of a complex of technical means of off-court cleaning oil bilge water. At the same time, the article proposes to represent all the actions that the oil bilge water undergoes at the same time as the technology of the process of its movement. It is also shown that the content of this technology will be different for different sections of waterways. The factors that will determine the specified content of the oil bilge water movement technology have been established. This approach makes it possible to ensure the required purification of alloil bilge water that is formed in the considered area of waterways at the lowest cost and while ensuring navigation safety.

Keywords: oil bilge water, purification, off-vessel purification technology


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Author Biographies

Valery I. Reshnyak , Admiral S.O. Makarov State University of Marine and River Fleet, St. Petersburg, Russia

Dr.Sci.(Eng), Professor, Head of the Department of Chemistry and Ecology, Admiral S.O. Makarov State University of Marine and River Fleet, 198035, St. Petersburg, Dvinskaya str., 5/7, e-mail:

Olga L. Domnina , Volga State Unuversity of Water Transport, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Ph.D.(Eng), assistant professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Logistics and Marketing, Volga State University of Water Transport, Nesterovast., 5, N. Novgorod, 603950, Russian Federation, e-mail:

How to Cite
Reshnyak, V. I., & Domnina, O. L. (2022). Off-shore purification of oil water during the operation of inland navigation vessels. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (72), 274-280.
Environmental safety