• Irina N. Ruban Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia
  • Vladimir P. Bulgakov Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russian
  • Sergey S. Uksusov Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia


The objective of the paper: the technology of stabilization of mechanical properties and dimensions of the piston made of AL25 alloy by reducing the influence of chemical heterogeneity in the casting and obtaining an equilibrium metal structure in the piston operating temperature range. When the complex alloyed alloy AL25 solidifies, in the casting the chemical heterogeneity occurs in the direction of the piston axis from the top to the bottom, in the radial direction from the outer surface to the center, when moving around a circle in a horizontal section. Segregation results in the change of metal’s mechanical and physical properties: density, thermal expansion coefficient, heat conductivity; causes different amounts of the heat gap between the piston and the sleeve from the head to the skirt. The segregation harmful effect on properties uniformity within the piston is possible by increasing the structure uniformity through reducing overheating over the liquidus line and reducing the metal exposure on the stand before casting. Heat treatment does not completely eliminate the segregation effect, but stabilizes piston’s mechanical properties and dimensions. Hardening at the temperature close to the melting temperature has reduced the chemical heterogeneity and made solid solution of aluminum alloys saturated with alloying elements resistant to cyclic overheating. Tempering has completed the aging process - the allocation of the second phase, has stabilized metal’s hardness and ductility. Annealing has eliminated the signs of aging completely, has coagulated and increased the grain size of the alloy. As a result, the mechanical properties have been stabilized; strength and ductility have been increased at temperatures up to 3000C. The linear expansion coefficient has been stabilized; the irreversible change of the piston dimensions in the range of the engine operating temperatures has been eliminated.

Keywords: chemical heterogeneity, casting, segregation, alloy, heat gap, thermal expansion coefficient, heat conductivity, equilibrium diagram, solid solution, quenching, tempering, annealing, mechanical properties, dimensions and properties stabilization


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Author Biographies

Irina N. Ruban , Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia

postgraduate student, Department of Shipbuilding and Power Complexes of Marine Engineering, Astrakhan State Technical University,16, Tatischev st, Astrakhan, 414056, Russia

Vladimir P. Bulgakov , Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russian

professor, Department of Shipbuilding and Power Complexes, Marine Engineering Astrakhan State Technical University, 16, Tatischev st, Astrakhan, 414056, Russia

Sergey S. Uksusov , Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia

senior lecturer, Department of Shipbuilding and Power Complexes, Marine Engineering Astrakhan State Technical University 16, Tatischev st, Astrakhan, 414056, Russia

How to Cite
Ruban, I. N., Bulgakov, V. P., & Uksusov, S. S. (2020). STABILIZATION OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND DIMENSIONS OF THE INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE PISTON MADE OF ALSI12CU2MGNI (AL25) ALLOY. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (61), 196-202. Retrieved from
Operation of ship power equipment