Features of the business model of transport enterprises


The relevance of this article is due to the fact that today, managers are paying more and more attention to the business models of their companies. Business models have become a tool that helps to obtain all the key information about an enterprise or organization, and which allows you to draw conclusions about potential opportunities for the development of the enterprise. The article discusses what a business model is, as well as the basic elements necessary for its construction. The article provides a canvas for building a business model consisting of nine blocks, and on its basis a typical business model of a transport enterprise is built. The article also includes consideration of the external and internal environment of a transport company and the construction of a typical model of a transport company based on this information.

Keywords: business model; elements of the business model; outline of the business model; Osterwalder and Pinier; typical business model; external environment; internal environment; transport enterprises


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Author Biography

Evgenia S. Mishacheva , Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia

Assistant of management and marketing chair, teacher with no experience requirements, Vladimir State University,600000, Gorkogo st. 79,  Vladimir, Russia, e-mail: Mishacheva.ru@yandex.ru

How to Cite
Mishacheva, E. S. (2023). Features of the business model of transport enterprises. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (74), 140-147. https://doi.org/10.37890/jwt.vi74.345
Economics, logistics and transport management