Methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of the logistics infrastructure
Today, in a rapidly changing external environment, one of the main factors for improving the work of a port operator is the development of its logistics infrastructure. Under the current conditions, the process of managing the logistics infrastructure of a port operator should be complex and interdependent, which determines the need to use a systematic approach. The existing methods of managing the infrastructure facilities of the port are poorly adapted to industry specifics, built on a limited number of parameters, do not allow for an operational and comprehensive assessment of the level of infrastructure use with the identification of problem areas. We need an approach to logistics infrastructure management that will allow us to simultaneously effectively solve current tasks, flexibly reconstructing after the production program of the port and, at the same time, take into account the long-term development of its facilities. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying the developed methodology for assessing the effectiveness of logistics infrastructure service management in order to optimize port activities. The obtained research results will allow us to monitor the current use of the logistics infrastructure of the port operator quantitatively and qualitatively, identify bottlenecks and, based on such calculated information, justify further areas of improvement and development.
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