Investigation of an unconventional exciter of a toothed stator using software by the finite element method
In this article we investigate an unconventional design of an exciter having a toothed stator. The main purpose is to check whether the proposed machine can meet the operating parameters specified in the specification. This chapter begins with a description of a current exciter with protruding poles and a description of a design with teeth. The toothed stator is also distinguished by being made of an inexpensive ferromagnetic material such as cast iron. When choosing cast iron, they are guided by the fact that it is already used in industry in other components of alternators, such as bearings and some connecting bushings. The use of cast iron also reduces eddy current losses compared to solid steel parts. Since the path of the magnetic flux in the stator is three-dimensional, the study is carried out using software for 3D finite element calculation. The model of the machine is compared with the experimental results obtained on the layout. Then we make changes to the geometry of the machine to improve its characteristics. In conclusion, we present the balance of active substances of the gear structure and the balance. The obtained results allow us to establish a good consistency of the finished element model with the test results.
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