Methodological bases for assessing the quality of transport and logistics customer service of a marine terminal operator

  • Marina V. Botnaryuk Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, Novorossiysk, Russia
  • Elena YU. Grass Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, Novorossiysk, Russia


The purpose of this article is to develop a methodology for assessing the quality of transport and logistics services for operators of sea terminals. The paper identifies the factors influencing the formation of the quality of transport and logistics services in the activities of marine operators of sea terminal in modern conditions. As a result of the conducted research, a system of comprehensive quality assessment has been formed, which allows assessing the degree of customer satisfaction. A new approach to quality assessment is proposed, involving the involvement of customers in the formation of quality criteria, as well as a method for calculating and evaluating the normative level of the generalizing indicator of the quality of transport and logistics customer service of the operator of the sea terminal. The practical significance of the developed methodology is that on its basis it becomes possible to assess the consequences of implementing various management decisions to improve the business processes.

Keywords: sea terminal operator, quality, assessment, methodology, transport and logistics service


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Author Biographies

Marina V. Botnaryuk , Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, Novorossiysk, Russia

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Associate professor, Professor of the economic theory, economics and management Department, maritime state University, Lenin's avenue, 93, Novorossiysk, 353924, Russian Federation, e-mail:

Elena YU. Grass , Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, Novorossiysk, Russia

Cn. Sci. (Econ.),  Associate professor, Associate professor of the economic theory, economics and management Department, maritime state University, Lenin's avenue, 93, Novorossiysk, 353924, Russian Federation, e-mail:

How to Cite
Botnaryuk, M. V., & Grass, E. Y. (2023). Methodological bases for assessing the quality of transport and logistics customer service of a marine terminal operator. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (75), 145-156.
Economics, logistics and transport management