
In the design and characteristics justification of WIG crafts, determination of optimal aerodynamic and moment coefficients and their ratio is still one of the most important problems. Values and ratios of these coefficients provide not only technical tasks performance, but also safe operation of a WIG craft within the framework of AP standards and rules of water transport operation.
The paper is devoted to the method of calculating the Cy lift coefficient for the complex compound wing with washers by using the superposition method and verification of calculated data with experimental values. The study was based on TsAGI-876 wing profile characteristics at various relative flight heights.
Calculation of the aerodynamic Cy coefficient is performed in several stages:
1. Calculation of the aerodynamic Cy coefficient for the center section;
2. Calculation of aerodynamic Cy coefficient for the console section;
3. Calculation of the total Cy coefficient by using the superposition method.
The proposed method of calculation provides an accuracy of up to 93%, which can be considered a satisfactory result for preliminary design of types «B» and «C» WIG crafts.

Keywords: WIG craft, aerodynamic coefficients, calculation method, lift coefficient, compound wing, washers


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Author Biographies

Andrey N. Luchkov , Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Russia

Engineer of laboratory No. 4 «Product Lifecycle Management» Research Institute 101, Department of Aircraft Design, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoye av., A-80, GSP-3, Moscow, 125993, Russia

Evgeny V. Zhuravlev , Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia

Lead Designer, Head of Laboratory No. 4, Product Lifecycle Management, Research Institute 101, Department of Aircraft Design, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University),
4, Volokolamskoye av., A-80, GSP-3, Moscow, 125993, Russia, e-mail:

Egor Y. Cheban , Volga State University of Water Transport, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia

Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of Hydrodynamics, Ship Theory and ecological safety Mechanics, Volga State University of Water Transport, 5, Nesterov st, Nizhny Novgorod, 603951, Russia, e-mail:

How to Cite
Luchkov , A. N., Zhuravlev, E. V., & Cheban, E. Y. (2020). METHOD OF CALCULATING THE LIFT COEFFICIENT FOR A WIG’S COMPOUND WING FLYING CLOSE TO THE GROUND. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (62), 51-61.
Shipbuilding, ship repair, and ecological safety of the ship