The concept of a non-self-propelled individual ferry
Within the framework of the general concept of the development of water transport and coastal infrastructure, a justification is given for the need to operate individual ferry crossings on small and main rivers of Russia. A cartographic study of transport links through rivers and their catastrophic shortage in comparison with demand has been carried out. A completely new concept of a ferry crossing for one car has been proposed. The driving mechanism of the ferry movement from the driving pair of wheels of the car with different variants of propellers and control systems has been developed. The overall and displacement parameters of the vessel are determined according to the requirements of small-size shipbuilding. In the Compass-3D package, a three-dimensional model of the ferry, all working units of the mechanism and control was created, and the mass-centering characteristics were calculated. A comparative assessment of the mechanical parameters of the presented propellers was carried out: the screw-steering column and the paddle wheels. Mechanisms with manual and automated control modes are described and compared.
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