Specific features of the development of an adaptive control system for special ship devices on the example of a trawl winch of a fishing vessel


The trawl winch, being part of the auxiliary power plant of a fishing vessel, during its operation significantly affects the safety, reliability, and energy efficiency of the vessel as a whole. This is due to the peculiarity of the trawl winch. In addition to the existing external hydrometeorological factors, the dynamic performance of the machine is greatly influenced by the variability of the loading from the towed and raised fishing gear with the catch. Such non-stationary impacts have a negative impact on the performance and reliability of the equipment. Also, this type of lifting devices on a fishing vessel does not have a reserve. Therefore, when it fails, the fishing process also stops, which entails large economic losses. For smooth control of the winch operation in non-stationary conditions, an adaptive control system with an increased level of reliability is proposed in the work, which makes it possible to smoothly respond to load fluctuations. A control system diagram has been developed, as well as a diagram of the trawl winch drive itself, which is sensitive to changes in loading, the essence of which is to connect a backup hydraulic motor when the load from the towed or lifted object is exceeded.

Keywords: trawl winch, adaptive drive, load variability, control system diagram


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Author Biographies

Vladimir V. Popov , Kerch State Maritime Technological University, Russian Federation

Senior Lecturer of the Department of of marine power plants, Kerch State Maritime Technological University, 82 Ordzhonykydze Str., Kerch, 298309, Russian Federation, e-mail: kamushburun@gmail.com

Aleksandra V. Ivanovskaya , Kerch State Maritime Technological University, Russian Federation

PhD in Engineering Science, Associate Professor of the Department of of marine power plants, Kerch State Maritime Technological University, 82 Ordzhonykydze Str., Kerch, 298309, Russian Federation, e-mail: invkerch@yandex.ru

Aleksei N. Ivanovskii , Kerch State Maritime Technological University, Russian Federation

professor assistant of Department of Navigation and Industrial Fishing, Kerch State Maritime Technological University, 82 Ordzhonykydze Str., Kerch, 298309, Russian Federation, e-mail: aleksei.ivanovskii@yandex.ru

How to Cite
Popov , V. V., Ivanovskaya, A. V., & Ivanovskii, A. N. (2023). Specific features of the development of an adaptive control system for special ship devices on the example of a trawl winch of a fishing vessel . Russian Journal of Water Transport, (76), 111-119. https://doi.org/10.37890/jwt.vi76.399
Ship power equipment