Design assessment of the range of permissible operation modes of a marine two-stroke diesel engine

  • Viacheslav L. Konyukov Kerch State Maritime Technological University, Kerch, Russian Federation


In the practice of operating marine diesel engines, as a limiting characteristic for mechanical stress, a characteristic corresponding to a constant effective torque, which is proportional to the average effective pressure, is used. There is no such unambiguity regarding the restrictive characteristics of thermal intensity. Limitations on the thermal stress of a diesel engine depend on its design features and the efficiency of the cooling system of the cylinder-piston group. At the diesel engine design stage, it is important to assess in advance whether the operational characteristics correspond to the technical specifications.

The work carried out computational and theoretical studies of the operational parameters of the main marine two-stroke diesel engine operating according to the screw characteristic, which affect its mechanical and thermal stress, and determined the expected limiting characteristics of the mechanical and thermal stress. The studies were carried out for wide ranges of changes in the weight coefficient of the screw characteristics and the relative power of the diesel engine. The estimated design ranges of diesel operating modes are given, excluding its mechanical and thermal overload, and an assessment of the permissible weighting of the screw characteristics is given. The results obtained were compared with the characteristics of a marine four-stroke diesel engine.

Keywords: diesel, operational parameters, load, screw characteristic, limiting characteristic, thermal stress, mechanical stress


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Author Biography

Viacheslav L. Konyukov , Kerch State Maritime Technological University, Kerch, Russian Federation

Ph.D. (Engin.), Associate Professor at the department of ship power plants, Kerch State Maritime Technological University, 298309, Republic of Crime, Kerch, Ordzhonikidze str., 82,

How to Cite
Konyukov, V. L. (2024). Design assessment of the range of permissible operation modes of a marine two-stroke diesel engine. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (78), 97-106.
Ship power equipment