The role of water transport in the development and development of economic entities in the regions of Russia


The article examines the role of water transport in the development of various economic entities in Russian regions. Due to the fact that Russia has vast territories with a huge number of rivers, lakes, seas and a long coastline, water transport plays a vital role in almost all spheres of society without exception. Therefore, the article also examines the main aspects of the relationship between the development of water transport and the regional economy, including increasing accessibility for businesses and residents, facilitating the transport of goods and increasing their volumes, as well as creating jobs and stimulating various types of investment. The article also pays attention to the role of water transport in the development of hard-to-reach and remote areas, where it is a key factor in overcoming geographical and socio-economic restrictions. Thus, the article examines various types of challenges and problems associated with the development of water transport in various economic entities. The main goal of the article is to expand understanding of the role of water transport in the development of Russian regions, as well as to draw attention to the importance of balanced infrastructural development for economic and social progress.

Keywords: maritime transport, river transport, transport infrastructure, foreign trade, domestic trade, economic entity


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Author Biographies

Maria S. Kolosova , Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russia

analyst at Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs, 79, Gorky st., Vladimir, Russia, 600005, email:

Denis Yu. Frymovich , Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russia

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs, 79, Gorky st., Vladimir, Russia, 600005,email:

How to Cite
Kolosova , M. S., & Frymovich, D. Y. (2023). The role of water transport in the development and development of economic entities in the regions of Russia. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (77), 152-157.
Economics, logistics and transport management