Development of a mathematical model of underwater towing, based on single- and double-link rod models of towing lines


This paper develops a mathematical model of underwater towing by the example of a complex fishing complex "vessel - vaer - trawl" by calculating its traction and speed characteristics.

The tow line is an important factor when towing an underwater object because it can affect the stability and maneuverability of the towing vessel. If the shaft is too long, it can create a lot of drag and make it difficult to move the boat. On the other hand, if the shaft is too short, it may cause the towed object to sink too deeply and potentially damage the object or towing equipment. Consequently, it is critical to select the proper towing system settings based on the size and weight of the object being towed, the depth of the stroke, and the environmental conditions.

Existing methods for writing models of tug - towing object systems, namely, methods based on stationary and non-stationary nature of the vaer selection process are investigated.

The paper presents a comparative analysis of single-link and two-link rod models of towing lines. The main errors in the construction of trajectories of towed objects using these types of towing lines are revealed.

In particular, one of the results of the study is, building a model of the system "ship - vaer - towed object", which has a similar accuracy index to the more complex two- and three-link lines.

Keywords: mathematical model, towed object, rod model, vessel, vaer, trawl, towing line, shaft winch


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Author Biographies

Maksim S. Tishchenko , Kerch State Maritime Technological University, Kerch, Russia

professor assistant of Department of Navigation and Industrial Fishing, Kerch State Maritime Technological University, 82 Ordzhonykydze Str., Kerch, 298309, Russian Federation, e-mail:

Nikolai V. Ivanovskii , Kerch State Maritime Technological University, Russian Federation

PhD in Engineering Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Navigation and Industrial Fishing, Kerch State Maritime Technological University, 82 Ordzhonykydze Str., Kerch, 298309, Russian Federation, e-mail:

How to Cite
Tishchenko, M. S., & Ivanovskii, N. V. (2023). Development of a mathematical model of underwater towing, based on single- and double-link rod models of towing lines. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (77), 264-272.
Operation of water transport, navigation and safety of navigation