The anchorage in cramped travel conditions
It is known that the safety of the anchorage is largely determined by the correct choice of the anchorage location, the depth and type of soil, the dimensions of the water area, protection from wind exposure, the presence of currents in the anchorage. Parking on sea raids in terms of the limited water area does not pose any special problems. In river conditions, the raids are located in close proximity to the ship's passage and are limited in width. Therefore, the question of the width of the strip occupied by the anchored vessel is important. Vessels on the river usually stand on the bow anchor against the current, but quite often, with strong crosswinds, it is necessary to give up the stern anchor in order to reduce the width of the lane occupied by the vessel and not interfere with the movement of passing vessels. The paper presents studies of safe conditions for anchoring ships in river conditions with wind in a limited-sized water area at different flow speeds. Calculated dependences are obtained for determining the transverse size of the water area occupied by a vessel standing at the bow anchor, bow and stern anchors with respect to the axis of the ship's course, depending on the speed of the current, wind speeds and direction.
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