Improvement of operational planning by small shipping enterprises
The article analyzes the current state and prospects for the development of the system for operation planning of the river cargo fleet. The main changes in the work of the fleet since the early 1990s and the necessity for improvement of the existing planning system are noted. The factors that should be taken into account when developing a fleet operation planning system (FOP) for a particular shipping company are specified. The analysis of the "small enterprise" concept in relation to a shipping company (SC) is given and the main distinguishing features of a small enterprise from a large one are indicated. The reference is made to the necessity of developing a FOP system for small SC, which will take into account modern economic conditions and trends. The importance and possibility of using information technologies as a basis for continuous voyage planning is substantiated. Some distinctive features of implementing continuous planning in maritime transport and on inland waterways are formulated. The principles that the operational planning system must comply with in modern conditions are presented.
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