Technological features of OOG transportation by sea transport


The article discusses the features of the transportation of oversized cargo by sea on container ships. The main governing documents and rules for the confirmation and placement of oversized cargo are indicated. The problems are reflected in the guidance documentation, since at the moment it is impossible to take into account all the features of a specific oversized cargo when creating a loading plan and cargo fastening tools on a flat rack. The scheme of placement of oversized cargo on a container ship is given. Options for attaching oversized cargo to a flat rack are considered in detail. The loads are divided into categories, for each of which the methods of fastening are given in accordance with the peculiarities of the geometric shapes of the load and the weight distribution. The conclusion indicates the need to create a software module for standardizing the rules for loading oversized cargo, which will systematize all the characteristics of oversized cargo, calculate the best options for placing cargo on a ship, taking into account the safety requirements and optimality of the cargo plan, reduce accidents during loading / unloading and transportation. It was also noted that the standardization of the loading module for oversized cargo will allow integrating information about the transportation of oversized cargo into the overall system for determining the efficiency and quality of container shipping.

Keywords: OOG cargo, sea transportation, container cargo transportation, OOG cargo securing, standardization, cargo plan


Улучшение модели учета крепления негабаритных грузов, чтобы сделать учет более научным и стандартизированным.

Членам экипажей контейнеровозов удобно рассчитывать крепление груза. Его также могут использовать сотрудники логистических отделов судоходных компаний, судоходных агентств, портов и доков, а также сотрудники классификационных обществ.

Снижение аварийности и травмоопасности при перевозке негабаритных грузов, благодаря исключению некомпетентности в креплении грузов и их подтверждению к перевозке.

Реализация безбумажного расчета крепления, что удобно, быстро и практично с точки зрения документооборота.

Сбор, обработка и систематизация данных о качестве работ по креплению и перевозке негабаритных грузов, как часть системы качества перевозок в целом [9–12].

Использование для студентов учебных заведений и морских университетов.

Author Biographies

Denis D. Strelnikov , Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, Novorossiysk, Russia

PhD (technical science), Senior lecturer of the Department of «Transport process technology and water transport management» Admiral F.F. Ushakov State Maritime University, Novorossiysk, e-mail:

Inessa A. Strelnikova , Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, Novorossiysk, Russia

PhD (econ. science), Senior lecturer of the Department of «Transport process technology and water transport management» Admiral F.F. Ushakov State Maritime University, Novorossiysk, e-mail:

How to Cite
Strelnikov, D. D., & Strelnikova, I. A. (2023). Technological features of OOG transportation by sea transport. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (77), 239-251.
Operation of water transport, navigation and safety of navigation