The new world order in the safety of cargo transportation
This article analyzes new organizational processes of transport use in cargo movement between the Economic Union countries and China. Nowadays the organization of cargo transportation to the Russian, European and Asian markets is associated with high risks. Growing interstate confrontation of the countries participating in the Euro-Asian market has a devastating effect on the transport organizational mechanism of road, rail and sea cargo transportation. The authors of the study act as analysts of the processes of formation of a new economic order in the security of transport parameters of resource movement in space and time, which determine the efficiency and competitiveness of the production link of regions on the basis of expanding organizational trade relations of economic entities. Today resources, the level of their territorial dispersion and fragmentation, along with the actual location of productive forces and capacities, in many respects are determinants in the development of business and competitiveness of the economies of national states. Particular attention is paid to the development of both external interstate and internal national linear transportation networks, including rail, road and water transport. Combining the potentials of a number of continental countries, as well as the organization of technical and technological interaction between the participating countries with corporate use of resources, gives an undeniable advantage in achieving economic and social efficiency in the development of national states. This requires a comprehensive socio-economic author's assessment of the direct and indirect advantages and losses of the economic conjuncture of the Economic Union countries, Russia and China, as the main participants and organizers of creating conditions for a new economic order. The new economic order in the development of transport communications determines the implementation of a more effective mechanism for using the continental production resources of China, India, Iran and Russia, which are concentrated on the basis of inter-country corporatization of their use and objective advantageous location of national productive forces and consumer markets.
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