Specifics of application of requirements of International code on safety of high-speed craft to small craft
The paper reviews the features of regulating the characteristics of small high-speed craft, mainly for passenger purposes, taking into account the prospects for their development in Russian Federation. The definitions of high-speed and light craft from various regulatory documents are analyzed. It has been established that most passenger and pleasure craft of small size are high-speed, and belong to the second level of acceleration during a collision, which determines the limitations on their layout. The features of ensuring unsinkability are noted, the results of the accident investigation that influenced modern standards are touched upon. The criteria of unsinkability have been identified, which require adjustments in relation to small craft. Attention is paid to the craft's control posts, the inconsistency of requirements, including for the visibility and layout of posts, is shown. Examples of designs based on the experience of working with foreign rules are given. For Russian classification societies, proposals have been formulated to improve the requirements.
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