Analysis of trends in the functioning of water and air transport in the regions of the Russian Federation against the backdrop of emerging crises
The article discusses current trends in the aviation industry, growth factors in passenger and cargo traffic, key players in various regions of the world, regulatory requirements and market challenges in comparison with one of the most important industries in Russia and the world - water transport. A review of new aircraft concepts has been completed. The authors note the resumption of production of domestic aircraft in the context of the implementation of a policy of active import substitution. The work identifies the advantages of using medium-haul and long-haul aircraft by Russian carriers, and presents the structure of the market positions of the largest airlines in Russia in recent years. The study also assesses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the situation in this area and examines alternative strategies for its recovery. In order to improve flight safety and ensure the sustainability of environmental practices, the need for the development of the domestic aviation industry and its adaptation to the ongoing international transformations is substantiated, which implies the unconditional use of new technologies. The article draws a parallel between air and water transport and compares Russian and foreign indicators of these industries. Thus, a comparison of the dynamics of development of the aviation industry and water transport will reveal their similarities and differences, various advantages and disadvantages, as well as their impact on the global economy.
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