Research of boiling flow parameters in vertical evaporators of marine refrigeration machines
In this work, the subject of research is hydrodynamics, and in particular, the hydraulic resistance of a boiling two-phase flow moving in vertical and inclined pipes of evaporators of ship refrigeration units. Such movement is typical for various types of industrial heat exchange equipment, including the development of promising types of evaporators, for example, vertical devices for ships in which in-tube boiling of liquid refrigerant occurs. Experiments were carried out to study hydraulic resistance in vertical pipes with different channel diameters and lengths. The main dependencies of the various components of hydraulic resistance that arise during the movement of a boiling two-phase flow are presented. Based on the data obtained, the prospects of transitioning ship evaporators of refrigeration units to a vertical arrangement of heat exchange tubes are shown. When applied to ship refrigeration machines, we can say that the transition to vertical units has its advantages, primarily in reducing pressure losses. The resulting set of data allows us to recommend the design of vertical evaporators for auxiliary ship installations.
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