Assessment of the possible impact on the safety of civil navigation of existing concepts of «navigation pressure»
The features of the global satellite GNSS GPS, as originally a system for military purposes, are considered. The experience of its combat use in recent military conflicts, including during a special military operation, is summarized. Numerous failures in the reception of GPS signals by civilian users, including air carriers and navigators, have been identified when operating GPS in a military environment. The main provisions of the concept of navigation warfare adopted in the United States, one of the elements of which is GNSS GPS and the main goals that it pursues, are considered. An assessment was made of the possible impact of the provisions of the navigational war on the safety of civil navigation and the main directions of work to minimize this impact were outlined. The increasing role and place of nautical astronomy is indicated, as a completely autonomous means of navigation, suitable for use in any area of the World Ocean.
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